Library management system Full Working php with source Code

Library Management System in PHP with Source Code

This post is on PHP Project on Library Management System. So if you are looking for any educational project on PHP with complete source code then you have come on the right place because from here you can able to download library management system in PHP source code and here you can also learn How to build or developed Online Library Management System in PHP from scratch.

This Library Management System Project has been developed using PHP language with MySQL Database, JavaScript and Bootstrap 5 library. Under this Library Management System there are main two user, one is Admin or Librarian and Other is Student or User who will borrowed book from Library. In this Library Management System Admin or Librarian can maintain all data like add or manage category, authors, books, issued book returned book etc. Here Admin or Library is the key role in the management of this Library Management System Online.

This Library Management System is the Simple Library System which we can easily implement for any type of library. Under this Library Management System, we can track records of books, number of issued books, number of pending of not returned book after due date, how many fines has been collected on return book due date. This Library Management System is the Web based System, so we can manage all data everything which are associated with Library because from any device and from any place we can access this Library System because it is web based Library Management System.

Under this library management-system library-management-system webapplication, Issuing of book is very simple, in just one click we can easily issue book to user. This is completely dynamic Library Management System, because under this system we can configured a day limit to keep a book, how many fines charge late return of book per day, how many book can be issue by single user etc. So with the help of this Library Management System, we can efficiently manage Library.

Features of Library Management System

Admin or Librarian Side

  1. Manage Book Records
  2. Manage Register User Records
  3. Enable or Disable Register User Login
  4. Issue Book
  5. Returned Book
  6. Calculate Fine on Late Returned Book
  7. Manage Category Data
  8. Manage Authors Data
  9. Manage Location Rack Data
  10. Dynamically Configured Library System
  11. Admin Login Page
  12. Admin Change Password

User or Student Side

  1. User or Student Login Page
  2. New User or Student Registration with Email Verification
  3. Search Available Books
  4. View Issued Book Data
  5. Manage Profile

Web Technology used in Library Management System

Server Side

  • PHP
  • MySQL Database

Front-end Side

  • JavaScript
  • HTML 5
  • Bootstrap 5

MySQL Database

For Create Library Management System Database, you have to run following SQL script in you local phpmyadmin. But before run this script, you have to create one blank database in it and then after you have run below script, which will create required table for Library Management System.

-- Database: `lms`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_admin`

CREATE TABLE `lms_admin` (
  `admin_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `admin_email` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `admin_password` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_admin`

INSERT INTO `lms_admin` (`admin_id`, `admin_email`, `admin_password`) VALUES
(1, 'johnsmith1@gmail.com', 'password');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_author`

CREATE TABLE `lms_author` (
  `author_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `author_name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `author_status` enum('Enable','Disable') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `author_created_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `author_updated_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_author`

INSERT INTO `lms_author` (`author_id`, `author_name`, `author_status`, `author_created_on`, `author_updated_on`) VALUES
(1, 'Alan Forbes', 'Enable', '2021-11-11 15:45:14', '2021-12-02 11:32:09'),
(2, 'Tom Butler', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:48:40', ''),
(3, 'Lynn Beighley', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:49:00', ''),
(4, 'Vikram Vaswani', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:49:18', ''),
(5, 'Daginn Reiersol', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:49:38', ''),
(6, 'Joel Murach', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:49:54', ''),
(7, 'Robin Nixon', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:50:09', ''),
(8, 'Kevin Tatroe', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:50:24', ''),
(9, 'Laura Thompson', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:50:42', ''),
(10, 'Brett Shimson', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:50:55', '2021-12-01 11:40:04'),
(11, 'Sanjib Sinha', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:51:16', ''),
(12, 'Brian Messenlehner', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:51:42', '2021-12-02 11:32:57'),
(13, 'Dayle Rees', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:52:02', ''),
(14, 'Carlos Buenosvinos', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:52:20', ''),
(15, 'Bruce Berke', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:52:35', '2021-12-02 11:33:10'),
(16, 'Laura Thomson', 'Enable', '2021-11-17 10:39:36', ''),
(18, 'David Herman', 'Enable', '2021-11-30 14:36:35', '2021-12-01 11:39:05'),
(19, 'Mark Myers', 'Enable', '2021-12-08 18:45:15', '');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_book`

CREATE TABLE `lms_book` (
  `book_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `book_category` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_author` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_location_rack` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_name` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_isbn_number` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_no_of_copy` int(5) NOT NULL,
  `book_status` enum('Enable','Disable') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_added_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_updated_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_book`

INSERT INTO `lms_book` (`book_id`, `book_category`, `book_author`, `book_location_rack`, `book_name`, `book_isbn_number`, `book_no_of_copy`, `book_status`, `book_added_on`, `book_updated_on`) VALUES
(1, 'Programming Skill', 'Alan Forbes', 'A1', 'The Joy of PHP Programming', '978152279214', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-11 17:32:33', '2021-11-11 18:19:21'),
(2, 'Programming Skill', 'Tom Butler', 'A2', 'PHP and MySQL Novice to Ninja', '852369852123', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:56:23', '2021-12-28 17:59:06'),
(3, 'Programming Skill', 'Lynn Beighley', 'A3', 'Head First PHP and MySQL', '7539518526963', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:57:04', ''),
(4, 'Programming Skill', 'Vikram Vaswani', 'A4', 'PHP A Beginners Guide', '74114774147', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:57:47', ''),
(5, 'Programming Skill', 'Daginn Reiersol', 'A5', 'PHP In Action Objects Design Agility', '85225885258', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:58:34', ''),
(6, 'Programming Skill', 'Joel Murach', 'A6', 'Murachs PHP and MySQL', '8585858596632', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:00:15', ''),
(7, 'Programming Skill', 'Robin Nixon', 'A8', 'Learning PHP MySQL JavaScript and CSS Creating Dynamic Websites', '753852963258', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:01:10', '2021-11-12 13:02:16'),
(8, 'Programming Skill', 'Kevin Tatroe', 'A10', 'Programming PHP Creating Dynamic Web Pages', '969335785842', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:01:57', ''),
(9, 'Programming Skill', 'Bruce Berke', 'A1', 'PHP Programming and MySQL Database for Web Development', '963369852258', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:02:48', '2021-11-17 10:58:27'),
(10, 'Programming Skill', 'Brett McLaughlin', 'A2', 'PHP MySQL The Missing Manual', '85478569856', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:03:51', '2021-11-14 17:07:04'),
(11, 'Programming Skill', 'Sanjib Sinha', 'A3', 'Beginning Laravel A beginners guide', '856325774562', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:04:39', ''),
(12, 'Programming Skill', 'Brian Messenlehner', 'A3', 'Building Web Apps with WordPress', '96325741258', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:05:18', ''),
(13, 'Programming Skill', 'Dayle Rees', 'A5', 'The Laravel Framework Version 5 For Beginners', '336985696363', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:05:56', ''),
(14, 'Programming Skill', 'Carlos Buenosvinos', 'A6', 'Domain Driven Design in PHP', '852258963475', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:06:35', '2021-12-11 10:36:01'),
(15, 'Programming', 'Bruce Berke', 'A7', 'Learn PHP The Complete Beginners Guide to Learn PHP Programming', '744785963520', 5, 'Enable', '2021-11-12 13:07:27', '2021-12-09 18:37:14'),
(16, 'Database Management', 'Laura Thompson', 'A2', 'PHP and MySQL Web Development', '753951852123', 1, 'Enable', '2021-11-17 10:43:19', '2021-11-17 11:03:05'),
(17, 'Web Development', 'Mark Myers', 'A11', 'A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript', '852369753951', 1, 'Enable', '2021-12-08 18:48:11', '2021-12-28 18:03:30');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_category`

CREATE TABLE `lms_category` (
  `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `category_name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `category_status` enum('Enable','Disable') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `category_created_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `category_updated_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_category`

INSERT INTO `lms_category` (`category_id`, `category_name`, `category_status`, `category_created_on`, `category_updated_on`) VALUES
(1, 'Programming', 'Enable', '2021-11-10 19:02:37', '2021-11-27 11:56:18'),
(2, 'Database', 'Enable', '2021-11-17 10:36:53', '2021-11-27 12:27:05'),
(3, 'Web Design', 'Enable', '2021-11-26 16:14:18', '2021-11-27 12:28:03'),
(4, 'Web Development', 'Enable', '2021-11-26 16:15:38', '2021-11-27 12:28:11');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_issue_book`

CREATE TABLE `lms_issue_book` (
  `issue_book_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `book_id` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_id` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `issue_date_time` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `expected_return_date` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `return_date_time` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_fines` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `book_issue_status` enum('Issue','Return','Not Return') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_issue_book`

INSERT INTO `lms_issue_book` (`issue_book_id`, `book_id`, `user_id`, `issue_date_time`, `expected_return_date`, `return_date_time`, `book_fines`, `book_issue_status`) VALUES
(4, '856325774562', 'U37570190', '2021-11-13 15:57:29', '2021-11-23 15:57:29', '2021-11-14 16:51:42', '0', 'Return'),
(5, '856325774562', 'U37570190', '2021-11-14 17:04:13', '2021-11-24 17:04:13', '2021-11-14 17:05:47', '0', 'Return'),
(6, '85478569856', 'U37570190', '2021-11-14 17:07:04', '2021-11-24 17:07:04', '2021-11-14 17:07:55', '0', 'Return'),
(7, '753951852123', 'U52357788', '2021-11-17 11:03:04', '2021-11-27 11:03:04', '2021-11-17 11:05:29', '0', 'Return'),
(8, '852369852123', 'U59564819', '2021-12-28 17:59:06', '2022-01-07 17:59:06', '2022-01-03 12:44:15', '0', 'Return'),
(9, '852369753951', 'U59564819', '2021-12-28 18:03:30', '2022-01-07 18:03:30', '2022-01-03 12:43:28', '0', 'Return');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_location_rack`

CREATE TABLE `lms_location_rack` (
  `location_rack_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `location_rack_name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `location_rack_status` enum('Enable','Disable') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `location_rack_created_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `location_rack_updated_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_location_rack`

INSERT INTO `lms_location_rack` (`location_rack_id`, `location_rack_name`, `location_rack_status`, `location_rack_created_on`, `location_rack_updated_on`) VALUES
(1, 'A1', 'Enable', '2021-11-11 16:16:27', '2021-12-07 10:02:00'),
(2, 'A2', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:53:49', ''),
(3, 'A3', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:53:57', ''),
(4, 'A4', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:54:06', ''),
(5, 'A5', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:54:14', ''),
(6, 'A6', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:54:22', ''),
(7, 'A7', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:54:30', ''),
(8, 'A8', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:54:38', ''),
(9, 'A9', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:54:52', ''),
(10, 'A10', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:55:02', '2021-12-04 13:03:28'),
(11, 'A11', 'Enable', '2021-12-03 18:20:16', '2021-12-04 12:45:09');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_setting`

CREATE TABLE `lms_setting` (
  `setting_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `library_name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `library_address` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `library_contact_number` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `library_email_address` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `library_total_book_issue_day` int(5) NOT NULL,
  `library_one_day_fine` decimal(4,2) NOT NULL,
  `library_issue_total_book_per_user` int(3) NOT NULL,
  `library_currency` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `library_timezone` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_setting`

INSERT INTO `lms_setting` (`setting_id`, `library_name`, `library_address`, `library_contact_number`, `library_email_address`, `library_total_book_issue_day`, `library_one_day_fine`, `library_issue_total_book_per_user`, `library_currency`, `library_timezone`) VALUES
(1, 'ABC Library', 'Business Street 105, NY 0256', '7539518521', 'abc_library@gmail.com', 10, '1.00', 3, 'INR', 'Asia/Calcutta');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `lms_user`

CREATE TABLE `lms_user` (
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `user_name` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_address` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_contact_no` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_profile` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_email_address` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_password` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_verificaton_code` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_verification_status` enum('No','Yes') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_unique_id` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_status` enum('Enable','Disable') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_created_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `user_updated_on` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `lms_user`

INSERT INTO `lms_user` (`user_id`, `user_name`, `user_address`, `user_contact_no`, `user_profile`, `user_email_address`, `user_password`, `user_verificaton_code`, `user_verification_status`, `user_unique_id`, `user_status`, `user_created_on`, `user_updated_on`) VALUES
(3, 'Paul Blake', '4016 Goldie Lane Cincinnati, OH 45202', '7539518520', '1636699900-2617.jpg', 'paulblake@gmail.com', 'password', 'b190bcd6e3b29674db036670cf122724', 'Yes', '', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 12:21:40', '2021-11-14 17:40:05'),
(4, 'Aaron Lawler', '1616 Broadway Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37421', '8569856321', '1636905360-32007.jpg', 'aaronlawler@live.com', 'password', 'add84abb895484d12344316eccb78a62', 'Yes', 'U37570190', 'Enable', '2021-11-12 16:39:20', '2021-11-17 10:49:20'),
(5, 'Kathleen Forrest', '4545 Limer Street Greensboro, GA 30642', '85214796930', '1637041684-15131.jpg', 'kathleen@hotmail.com', 'password', '7013df5205011ffcb99ea57902c17369', 'Yes', 'U24567871', 'Enable', '2021-11-16 11:18:04', ''),
(6, 'Carol Maney', '2703 Deer Haven Drive Greenville, SC 29607', '8521479630', '1637126571-21753.jpg', 'web-tutorial1@programmer.net', 'password', 'a6c2623984d590239244f8695df3a30b', 'Yes', 'U52357788', 'Enable', '2021-11-17 10:52:51', ''),
(10, 'Kevin Peterson', '1889 Single Street Waltham, MA 02154', '8523698520', '1639658464-10192.jpg', 'web-tutorial@programmer.net', 'password123', '337ea20da40326d134fe5eca3fb03464', 'Yes', 'U59564819', 'Enable', '2021-12-14 12:56:29', '2021-12-20 15:21:45');

-- Indexes for dumped tables

-- Indexes for table `lms_admin`
ALTER TABLE `lms_admin`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`admin_id`);

-- Indexes for table `lms_author`
ALTER TABLE `lms_author`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`author_id`);

-- Indexes for table `lms_book`
ALTER TABLE `lms_book`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`book_id`);

-- Indexes for table `lms_category`
ALTER TABLE `lms_category`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`category_id`);

-- Indexes for table `lms_issue_book`
ALTER TABLE `lms_issue_book`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`issue_book_id`);

-- Indexes for table `lms_location_rack`
ALTER TABLE `lms_location_rack`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`location_rack_id`);

-- Indexes for table `lms_setting`
ALTER TABLE `lms_setting`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`setting_id`);

-- Indexes for table `lms_user`
ALTER TABLE `lms_user`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`);

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_admin`
ALTER TABLE `lms_admin`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_author`
ALTER TABLE `lms_author`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_book`
ALTER TABLE `lms_book`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_category`
ALTER TABLE `lms_category`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_issue_book`
ALTER TABLE `lms_issue_book`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_location_rack`
ALTER TABLE `lms_location_rack`
  MODIFY `location_rack_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=12;

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_setting`
ALTER TABLE `lms_setting`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `lms_user`
ALTER TABLE `lms_user`

Source Code


This is commaon header section file of this library management system. This file we will use for both admin or librarian side area and user or student side area for display header of the file. This file we will use dynamically for both admin and user side.




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                            <ul class="list-inline mt-4 float-end">
                                <li class="list-inline-item"><?php echo $_SESSION['user_id']; ?></li>
                                <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="issue_book_details.php">Issue Book</a></li>
                                <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="search_book.php">Search Book</a></li>
                                <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="profile.php">Profile</a></li>
                                <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></li>




In this file we have make dynamic footer part of this Library Management System template for both User and Admin side and under this file we have to display dynamic Copywrite year using PHP and under this file, you can also find javascript library link also.

                <footer class="py-4 bg-light mt-auto">
                    <div class="container-fluid px-4">
                        <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between small">
                            <div class="text-muted">Copyright &copy; Library Management System <?php echo date('Y'); ?></div>
                                <a href="#">Privacy Policy</a>
                                <a href="#">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>
                <footer class="pt-3 mt-4 text-muted text-center border-top">
                    &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?>

    	<script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>asset/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>asset/js/scripts.js"></script>
        <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>asset/js/simple-datatables@latest.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>asset/js/datatables-simple-demo.js"></script>




This is main index or home page of Library Management System. So when we have directly access this Web based Library System then it has load this file. On this file you can find basic introduction of Library system and below it you can fine admin login button, user login button and user registration button link on it. So for both user and admin can go to login page from this page.


include 'database_connection.php';
include 'function.php';


include 'header.php';


<div class="p-5 mb-4 bg-light rounded-3">

	<div class="container-fluid py-5">

		<h1 class="display-5 fw-bold">Library Management System</h1>

		<p class="fs-4">This is simple Library Management System which use for maintain the record of the library. This Library Managment System has been made by using PHP script, MySQL Database, Vanilla JavaScript and Bootstrap 5 framework. This is PHP Project on Online Library Management System.</p>



<div class="row align-items-md-stretch">

	<div class="col-md-6">

		<div class="h-100 p-5 text-white bg-dark rounded-3">

			<h2>Admin Login</h2>
			<a href="admin_login.php" class="btn btn-outline-light">Admin Login</a>



	<div class="col-md-6">

		<div class="h-100 p-5 bg-light border rounded-3">

			<h2>User Login</h2>


			<a href="user_login.php" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">User Login</a>

			<a href="user_registration.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary">User Sign Up</a>





include 'footer.php';



This file has been used for make database connection with MySQL lms database using PDO() class object. Under this file, we have also start session variable by using session_start() function.



$connect = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost; dbname=lms", "root", "");




Under this file, we will make function which will be used for multiple time under this system. So for this, we have make all function under this function.php file, so by simply include this file any PHP file we can use that function.



function base_url()
	return 'http://localhost/tutorial/library_management_system/';

function is_admin_login()
		return true;
	return false;

function is_user_login()
		return true;
	return false;

function set_timezone($connect)
	$query = "
	SELECT library_timezone FROM lms_setting 

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)

function get_date_time($connect)

	return date("Y-m-d H:i:s",  STRTOTIME(date('h:i:sa')));

function get_one_day_fines($connect)
	$output = 0;
	$query = "
	SELECT library_one_day_fine FROM lms_setting 
	$result = $connect->query($query);
	foreach($result as $row)
		$output = $row["library_one_day_fine"];
	return $output;

function get_currency_symbol($connect)
	$output = '';
	$query = "
	SELECT library_currency FROM lms_setting 
	$result = $connect->query($query);
	foreach($result as $row)
		$currency_data = currency_array();
		foreach($currency_data as $currency)
			if($currency["code"] == $row['library_currency'])
				$output = '<span style="font-family: DejaVu Sans;">' . $currency["symbol"] . '</span>&nbsp;';
	return $output;

function get_book_issue_limit_per_user($connect)
	$output = '';
	$query = "
	SELECT library_issue_total_book_per_user FROM lms_setting 
	$result = $connect->query($query);
	foreach($result as $row)
		$output = $row["library_issue_total_book_per_user"];
	return $output;

function get_total_book_issue_per_user($connect, $user_unique_id)
	$output = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT COUNT(issue_book_id) AS Total FROM lms_issue_book 
	WHERE user_id = '".$user_unique_id."' 
	AND book_issue_status = 'Issue'

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$output = $row["Total"];
	return $output;

function get_total_book_issue_day($connect)
	$output = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT library_total_book_issue_day FROM lms_setting 

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$output = $row["library_total_book_issue_day"];
	return $output;

function convert_data($string, $action = 'encrypt')
	$encrypt_method = "AES-256-CBC";
	$secret_key = 'AA74CDCC2BBRT935136HH7B63C27'; // user define private key
	$secret_iv = '5fgf5HJ5g27'; // user define secret key
	$key = hash('sha256', $secret_key);
	$iv = substr(hash('sha256', $secret_iv), 0, 16); // sha256 is hash_hmac_algo
	if ($action == 'encrypt') 
		$output = openssl_encrypt($string, $encrypt_method, $key, 0, $iv);
	    $output = base64_encode($output);
	else if ($action == 'decrypt') 
		$output = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($string), $encrypt_method, $key, 0, $iv);
	return $output;

function currency_array()
		$currencies = array(
			array('code'=> 'ALL',
			'countryname'=> 'Albania',
			'name'=> 'Albanian lek',
			'symbol'=> 'L'),

			array('code'=> 'AFN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Afghanistan',
			    'name'=> 'Afghanistan Afghani',
			    'symbol'=> '&#1547;'),

			array('code'=> 'ARS',
			    'countryname'=> 'Argentina',
			    'name'=> 'Argentine Peso',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'AWG',
			    'countryname'=> 'Aruba',
			    'name'=> 'Aruban florin',
			    'symbol'=> '&#402;'),

			array('code'=> 'AUD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Australia',
			    'name'=> 'Australian Dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#65;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'AZN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Azerbaijan',
			    'name'=> 'Azerbaijani Manat',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8380;'),

			array('code'=> 'BSD',
			    'countryname'=> 'The Bahamas',
			    'name'=> 'Bahamas Dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'BBD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Barbados',
			    'name'=> 'Barbados Dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#100;&#115;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'BDT',
			    'countryname'=> 'People\'s Republic of Bangladesh',
			    'name'=> 'Bangladeshi taka',
			    'symbol'=> '&#2547;'),

			array('code'=> 'BYN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Belarus',
			    'name'=> 'Belarus Ruble',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#114;'),

			array('code'=> 'BZD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Belize',
			    'name'=> 'Belize Dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#90;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'BMD',
			    'countryname'=> 'British Overseas Territory of Bermuda',
			    'name'=> 'Bermudian Dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#68;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'BOP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Bolivia',
			    'name'=> 'Boliviano',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#115;'),

			array('code'=> 'BAM',
			    'countryname'=> 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
			    'name'=> 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Marka',
			    'symbol'=> '&#75;&#77;'),

			array('code'=> 'BWP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Botswana',
			    'name'=> 'Botswana pula',
			    'symbol'=> '&#80;'),

			array('code'=> 'BGN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Bulgaria',
			    'name'=> 'Bulgarian lev',
			    'symbol'=> '&#1083;&#1074;'),

			array('code'=> 'BRL',
			    'countryname'=> 'Brazil',
			    'name'=> 'Brazilian real',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'BND',
			    'countryname'=> 'Sultanate of Brunei',
			    'name'=> 'Brunei dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'KHR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Cambodia',
			    'name'=> 'Cambodian riel',
			    'symbol'=> '&#6107;'),

			array('code'=> 'CAD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Canada',
			    'name'=> 'Canadian dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#67;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'KYD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Cayman Islands',
			    'name'=> 'Cayman Islands dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'CLP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Chile',
			    'name'=> 'Chilean peso',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'CNY',
			    'countryname'=> 'China',
			    'name'=> 'Chinese Yuan Renminbi',
			    'symbol'=> '&#165;'),

			array('code'=> 'COP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Colombia',
			    'name'=> 'Colombian peso',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'CRC',
			    'countryname'=> 'Costa Rica',
			    'name'=> 'Costa Rican colón',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8353;'),

			array('code'=> 'HRK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Croatia',
			    'name'=> 'Croatian kuna',
			    'symbol'=> '&#107;&#110;'),

			array('code'=> 'CUP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Cuba',
			    'name'=> 'Cuban peso',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8369;'),

			array('code'=> 'CZK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Czech Republic',
			    'name'=> 'Czech koruna',
			    'symbol'=> '&#75;&#269;'),

			array('code'=> 'DKK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands',
			    'name'=> 'Danish krone',
			    'symbol'=> '&#107;&#114;'),

			array('code'=> 'DOP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Dominican Republic',
			    'name'=> 'Dominican peso',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#68;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'XCD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines',
			    'name'=> 'Eastern Caribbean dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'EGP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Egypt',
			    'name'=> 'Egyptian pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'SVC',
			    'countryname'=> 'El Salvador',
			    'name'=> 'Salvadoran colón',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'EEK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Estonia',
			    'name'=> 'Estonian kroon',
			    'symbol'=> '&#75;&#114;'),

			array('code'=> 'EUR',
			    'countryname'=> 'European Union, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden',
			    'name'=> 'Euro',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8364;'),

			array('code'=> 'FKP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Falkland Islands',
			    'name'=> 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#70;&#75;&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'FJD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Fiji',
			    'name'=> 'Fijian dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#70;&#74;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'GHC',
			    'countryname'=> 'Ghana',
			    'name'=> 'Ghanaian cedi',
			    'symbol'=> '&#71;&#72;&#162;'),

			array('code'=> 'GIP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Gibraltar',
			    'name'=> 'Gibraltar pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'GTQ',
			    'countryname'=> 'Guatemala',
			    'name'=> 'Guatemalan quetzal',
			    'symbol'=> '&#81;'),

			array('code'=> 'GGP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Guernsey',
			    'name'=> 'Guernsey pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#81;'),

			array('code'=> 'GYD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Guyana',
			    'name'=> 'Guyanese dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#71;&#89;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'HNL',
			    'countryname'=> 'Honduras',
			    'name'=> 'Honduran lempira',
			    'symbol'=> '&#76;'),

			array('code'=> 'HKD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Hong Kong',
			    'name'=> 'Hong Kong dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#72;&#75;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'HUF',
			    'countryname'=> 'Hungary',
			    'name'=> 'Hungarian forint',
			    'symbol'=> '&#70;&#116;'),

			array('code'=> 'ISK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Iceland',
			    'name'=> 'Icelandic króna',
			    'symbol'=> '&#237;&#107;&#114;'),

			array('code'=> 'INR',
			    'countryname'=> 'India',
			    'name'=> 'Indian rupee',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8377;'),

			array('code'=> 'IDR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Indonesia',
			    'name'=> 'Indonesian rupiah',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#112;'),

			array('code'=> 'IRR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Iran',
			    'name'=> 'Iranian rial',
			    'symbol'=> '&#65020;'),

			array('code'=> 'IMP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Isle of Man',
			    'name'=> 'Manx pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'ILS',
			    'countryname'=> 'Israel, Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip',
			    'name'=> 'Israeli Shekel',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8362;'),

			array('code'=> 'JMD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Jamaica',
			    'name'=> 'Jamaican dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#74;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'JPY',
			    'countryname'=> 'Japan',
			    'name'=> 'Japanese yen',
			    'symbol'=> '&#165;'),

			array('code'=> 'JEP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Jersey',
			    'name'=> 'Jersey pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'KZT',
			    'countryname'=> 'Kazakhstan',
			    'name'=> 'Kazakhstani tenge',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8376;'),

			array('code'=> 'KPW',
			    'countryname'=> 'North Korea',
			    'name'=> 'North Korean won',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8361;'),

			array('code'=> 'KPW',
			    'countryname'=> 'South Korea',
			    'name'=> 'South Korean won',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8361;'),

			array('code'=> 'KGS',
			    'countryname'=> 'Kyrgyz Republic',
			    'name'=> 'Kyrgyzstani som',
			    'symbol'=> '&#1083;&#1074;'),

			array('code'=> 'LAK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Laos',
			    'name'=> 'Lao kip',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8365;'),

			array('code'=> 'LAK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Laos',
			    'name'=> 'Latvian lats',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8364;'),

			array('code'=> 'LVL',
			    'countryname'=> 'Laos',
			    'name'=> 'Latvian lats',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8364;'),

			array('code'=> 'LBP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Lebanon',
			    'name'=> 'Lebanese pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#76;&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'LRD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Liberia',
			    'name'=> 'Liberian dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#76;&#68;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'LTL',
			    'countryname'=> 'Lithuania',
			    'name'=> 'Lithuanian litas',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8364;'),

			array('code'=> 'MKD',
			    'countryname'=> 'North Macedonia',
			    'name'=> 'Macedonian denar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#1076;&#1077;&#1085;'),

			array('code'=> 'MYR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Malaysia',
			    'name'=> 'Malaysian ringgit',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#77;'),

			array('code'=> 'MUR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Mauritius',
			    'name'=> 'Mauritian rupee',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#115;'),

			array('code'=> 'MXN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Mexico',
			    'name'=> 'Mexican peso',
			    'symbol'=> '&#77;&#101;&#120;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'MNT',
			    'countryname'=> 'Mongolia',
			    'name'=> 'Mongolian tögrög',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8366;'),

			array('code'=> 'MZN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Mozambique',
			    'name'=> 'Mozambican metical',
			    'symbol'=> '&#77;&#84;'),

			array('code'=> 'NAD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Namibia',
			    'name'=> 'Namibian dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#78;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'NPR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal',
			    'name'=> 'Nepalese rupee',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#115;&#46;'),

			array('code'=> 'ANG',
			    'countryname'=> 'Curaçao and Sint Maarten',
			    'name'=> 'Netherlands Antillean guilder',
			    'symbol'=> '&#402;'),

			array('code'=> 'NZD',
			    'countryname'=> 'New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, the Ross Dependency, Tokelau, the Pitcairn Islands',
			    'name'=> 'New Zealand dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),
			array('code'=> 'NIO',
			    'countryname'=> 'Nicaragua',
			    'name'=> 'Nicaraguan córdoba',
			    'symbol'=> '&#67;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'NGN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Nigeria',
			    'name'=> 'Nigerian naira',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8358;'),

			array('code'=> 'NOK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Norway and its dependent territories',
			    'name'=> 'Norwegian krone',
			    'symbol'=> '&#107;&#114;'),

			array('code'=> 'OMR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Oman',
			    'name'=> 'Omani rial',
			    'symbol'=> '&#65020;'),

			array('code'=> 'PKR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Pakistan',
			    'name'=> 'Pakistani rupee',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#115;'),

			array('code'=> 'PAB',
			    'countryname'=> 'Panama',
			    'name'=> 'Panamanian balboa',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#47;&#46;'),

			array('code'=> 'PYG',
			    'countryname'=> 'Paraguay',
			    'name'=> 'Paraguayan Guaraní',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8370;'),

			array('code'=> 'PEN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Peru',
			    'name'=> 'Sol',
			    'symbol'=> '&#83;&#47;&#46;'),

			array('code'=> 'PHP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Philippines',
			    'name'=> 'Philippine peso',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8369;'),

			array('code'=> 'PLN',
			    'countryname'=> 'Poland',
			    'name'=> 'Polish złoty',
			    'symbol'=> '&#122;&#322;'),

			array('code'=> 'QAR',
			    'countryname'=> 'State of Qatar',
			    'name'=> 'Qatari Riyal',
			    'symbol'=> '&#65020;'),

			array('code'=> 'RON',
			    'countryname'=> 'Romania',
			    'name'=> 'Romanian leu (Leu românesc)',
			    'symbol'=> '&#76;'),

			array('code'=> 'RUB',
			    'countryname'=> 'Russian Federation, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Donetsk and Luhansk',
			    'name'=> 'Russian ruble',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8381;'),

			array('code'=> 'SHP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
			    'name'=> 'Saint Helena pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'SAR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Saudi Arabia',
			    'name'=> 'Saudi riyal',
			    'symbol'=> '&#65020;'),

			array('code'=> 'RSD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Serbia',
			    'name'=> 'Serbian dinar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#100;&#105;&#110;'),

			array('code'=> 'SCR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Seychelles',
			    'name'=> 'Seychellois rupee',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#115;'),

			array('code'=> 'SGD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Singapore',
			    'name'=> 'Singapore dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#83;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'SBD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Solomon Islands',
			    'name'=> 'Solomon Islands dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#83;&#73;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'SOS',
			    'countryname'=> 'Somalia',
			    'name'=> 'Somali shilling',
			    'symbol'=> '&#83;&#104;&#46;&#83;&#111;'),

			array('code'=> 'ZAR',
			    'countryname'=> 'South Africa',
			    'name'=> 'South African rand',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;'),

			array('code'=> 'LKR',
			    'countryname'=> 'Sri Lanka',
			    'name'=> 'Sri Lankan rupee',
			    'symbol'=> '&#82;&#115;'),
			array('code'=> 'SEK',
			    'countryname'=> 'Sweden',
			    'name'=> 'Swedish krona',
			    'symbol'=> '&#107;&#114;'),

			array('code'=> 'CHF',
			    'countryname'=> 'Switzerland',
			    'name'=> 'Swiss franc',
			    'symbol'=> '&#67;&#72;&#102;'),

			array('code'=> 'SRD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Suriname',
			    'name'=> 'Suriname Dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#83;&#114;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'SYP',
			    'countryname'=> 'Syria',
			    'name'=> 'Syrian pound',
			    'symbol'=> '&#163;&#83;'),

			array('code'=> 'TWD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Taiwan',
			    'name'=> 'New Taiwan dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#78;&#84;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'THB',
			    'countryname'=> 'Thailand',
			    'name'=> 'Thai baht',
			    'symbol'=> '&#3647;'),

			array('code'=> 'TTD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Trinidad and Tobago',
			    'name'=> 'Trinidad and Tobago dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#84;&#84;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'TRY',
			    'countryname'=> 'Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus',
			    'name'=> 'Turkey Lira',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8378;'),

			array('code'=> 'TVD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Tuvalu',
			    'name'=> 'Tuvaluan dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#84;&#86;&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'UAH',
			    'countryname'=> 'Ukraine',
			    'name'=> 'Ukrainian hryvnia',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8372;'),

			array('code'=> 'GBP',
			    'countryname'=> 'United Kingdom, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Gibraltar, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, the British Antarctic Territory, and Tristan da Cunha',
			    'name'=> 'Pound sterling',
			    'symbol'=> '&#163;'),

			array('code'=> 'UGX',
			    'countryname'=> 'Uganda',
			    'name'=> 'Ugandan shilling',
			    'symbol'=> '&#85;&#83;&#104;'),

			array('code'=> 'USD',
			    'countryname'=> 'United States',
			    'name'=> 'United States dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;'),

			array('code'=> 'UYU',
			    'countryname'=> 'Uruguayan',
			    'name'=> 'Peso Uruguayolar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#36;&#85;'),

			array('code'=> 'UZS',
			    'countryname'=> 'Uzbekistan',
			    'name'=> 'Uzbekistani soʻm',
			    'symbol'=> '&#1083;&#1074;'),

			array('code'=> 'VEF',
			    'countryname'=> 'Venezuela',
			    'name'=> 'Venezuelan bolívar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#66;&#115;'),

			array('code'=> 'VND',
			    'countryname'=> 'Vietnam',
			    'name'=> 'Vietnamese dong (Đồng)',
			    'symbol'=> '&#8363;'),

			array('code'=> 'VND',
			    'countryname'=> 'Yemen',
			    'name'=> 'Yemeni rial',
			    'symbol'=> '&#65020;'),

			array('code'=> 'ZWD',
			    'countryname'=> 'Zimbabwe',
			    'name'=> 'Zimbabwean dollar',
			    'symbol'=> '&#90;&#36;'),
		return $currencies;

	function Currency_list()
		$html = '
			<option value="">Select Currency</option>
		$data = currency_array();
		foreach($data as $row)
			$html .= '<option value="'.$row["code"].'">'.$row["name"].'</option>';
		return $html;

	function Timezone_list()
		$timezones = array(
		    'America/Adak' => '(GMT-10:00) America/Adak (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)',
			'America/Atka' => '(GMT-10:00) America/Atka (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)',
			'America/Anchorage' => '(GMT-9:00) America/Anchorage (Alaska Standard Time)',
			'America/Juneau' => '(GMT-9:00) America/Juneau (Alaska Standard Time)',
			'America/Nome' => '(GMT-9:00) America/Nome (Alaska Standard Time)',
			'America/Yakutat' => '(GMT-9:00) America/Yakutat (Alaska Standard Time)',
			'America/Dawson' => '(GMT-8:00) America/Dawson (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'America/Ensenada' => '(GMT-8:00) America/Ensenada (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'America/Los_Angeles' => '(GMT-8:00) America/Los_Angeles (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'America/Tijuana' => '(GMT-8:00) America/Tijuana (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'America/Vancouver' => '(GMT-8:00) America/Vancouver (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'America/Whitehorse' => '(GMT-8:00) America/Whitehorse (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'Canada/Pacific' => '(GMT-8:00) Canada/Pacific (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'Canada/Yukon' => '(GMT-8:00) Canada/Yukon (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'Mexico/BajaNorte' => '(GMT-8:00) Mexico/BajaNorte (Pacific Standard Time)',
			'America/Boise' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Boise (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Cambridge_Bay' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Cambridge_Bay (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Chihuahua' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Chihuahua (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Dawson_Creek' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Dawson_Creek (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Denver' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Denver (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Edmonton' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Edmonton (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Hermosillo' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Hermosillo (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Inuvik' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Inuvik (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Mazatlan' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Mazatlan (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Phoenix' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Phoenix (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Shiprock' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Shiprock (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Yellowknife' => '(GMT-7:00) America/Yellowknife (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'Canada/Mountain' => '(GMT-7:00) Canada/Mountain (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'Mexico/BajaSur' => '(GMT-7:00) Mexico/BajaSur (Mountain Standard Time)',
			'America/Belize' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Belize (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Cancun' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Cancun (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Chicago' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Chicago (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Costa_Rica' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Costa_Rica (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/El_Salvador' => '(GMT-6:00) America/El_Salvador (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Guatemala' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Guatemala (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Knox_IN' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Knox_IN (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Managua' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Managua (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Menominee' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Menominee (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Merida' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Merida (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Mexico_City' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Mexico_City (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Monterrey' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Monterrey (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Rainy_River' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Rainy_River (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Rankin_Inlet' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Rankin_Inlet (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Regina' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Regina (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Swift_Current' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Swift_Current (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Tegucigalpa' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Tegucigalpa (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Winnipeg' => '(GMT-6:00) America/Winnipeg (Central Standard Time)',
			'Canada/Central' => '(GMT-6:00) Canada/Central (Central Standard Time)',
			'Canada/East-Saskatchewan' => '(GMT-6:00) Canada/East-Saskatchewan (Central Standard Time)',
			'Canada/Saskatchewan' => '(GMT-6:00) Canada/Saskatchewan (Central Standard Time)',
			'Chile/EasterIsland' => '(GMT-6:00) Chile/EasterIsland (Easter Is. Time)',
			'Mexico/General' => '(GMT-6:00) Mexico/General (Central Standard Time)',
			'America/Atikokan' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Atikokan (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Bogota' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Bogota (Colombia Time)',
			'America/Cayman' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Cayman (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Coral_Harbour' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Coral_Harbour (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Detroit' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Detroit (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Fort_Wayne' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Fort_Wayne (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Grand_Turk' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Grand_Turk (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Guayaquil' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Guayaquil (Ecuador Time)',
			'America/Havana' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Havana (Cuba Standard Time)',
			'America/Indianapolis' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Indianapolis (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Iqaluit' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Iqaluit (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Jamaica' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Jamaica (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Lima' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Lima (Peru Time)',
			'America/Louisville' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Louisville (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Montreal' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Montreal (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Nassau' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Nassau (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/New_York' => '(GMT-5:00) America/New_York (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Nipigon' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Nipigon (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Panama' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Panama (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Pangnirtung' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Pangnirtung (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Port-au-Prince' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Port-au-Prince (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Resolute' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Resolute (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Thunder_Bay' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Thunder_Bay (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Toronto' => '(GMT-5:00) America/Toronto (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'Canada/Eastern' => '(GMT-5:00) Canada/Eastern (Eastern Standard Time)',
			'America/Caracas' => '(GMT-4:-30) America/Caracas (Venezuela Time)',
			'America/Anguilla' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Anguilla (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Antigua' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Antigua (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Aruba' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Aruba (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Asuncion' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Asuncion (Paraguay Time)',
			'America/Barbados' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Barbados (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Blanc-Sablon' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Blanc-Sablon (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Boa_Vista' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Boa_Vista (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Campo_Grande' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Campo_Grande (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Cuiaba' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Cuiaba (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Curacao' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Curacao (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Dominica' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Dominica (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Eirunepe' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Eirunepe (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Glace_Bay' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Glace_Bay (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Goose_Bay' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Goose_Bay (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Grenada' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Grenada (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Guadeloupe' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Guadeloupe (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Guyana' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Guyana (Guyana Time)',
			'America/Halifax' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Halifax (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/La_Paz' => '(GMT-4:00) America/La_Paz (Bolivia Time)',
			'America/Manaus' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Manaus (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Marigot' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Marigot (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Martinique' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Martinique (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Moncton' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Moncton (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Montserrat' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Montserrat (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Port_of_Spain' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Port_of_Spain (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Porto_Acre' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Porto_Acre (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Porto_Velho' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Porto_Velho (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Puerto_Rico' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Puerto_Rico (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Rio_Branco' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Rio_Branco (Amazon Time)',
			'America/Santiago' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Santiago (Chile Time)',
			'America/Santo_Domingo' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Santo_Domingo (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/St_Barthelemy' => '(GMT-4:00) America/St_Barthelemy (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/St_Kitts' => '(GMT-4:00) America/St_Kitts (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/St_Lucia' => '(GMT-4:00) America/St_Lucia (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/St_Thomas' => '(GMT-4:00) America/St_Thomas (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/St_Vincent' => '(GMT-4:00) America/St_Vincent (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Thule' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Thule (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Tortola' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Tortola (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'America/Virgin' => '(GMT-4:00) America/Virgin (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'Antarctica/Palmer' => '(GMT-4:00) Antarctica/Palmer (Chile Time)',
			'Atlantic/Bermuda' => '(GMT-4:00) Atlantic/Bermuda (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'Atlantic/Stanley' => '(GMT-4:00) Atlantic/Stanley (Falkland Is. Time)',
			'Brazil/Acre' => '(GMT-4:00) Brazil/Acre (Amazon Time)',
			'Brazil/West' => '(GMT-4:00) Brazil/West (Amazon Time)',
			'Canada/Atlantic' => '(GMT-4:00) Canada/Atlantic (Atlantic Standard Time)',
			'Chile/Continental' => '(GMT-4:00) Chile/Continental (Chile Time)',
			'America/St_Johns' => '(GMT-3:-30) America/St_Johns (Newfoundland Standard Time)',
			'Canada/Newfoundland' => '(GMT-3:-30) Canada/Newfoundland (Newfoundland Standard Time)',
			'America/Araguaina' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Araguaina (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Bahia' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Bahia (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Belem' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Belem (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Buenos_Aires' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Buenos_Aires (Argentine Time)',
			'America/Catamarca' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Catamarca (Argentine Time)',
			'America/Cayenne' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Cayenne (French Guiana Time)',
			'America/Cordoba' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Cordoba (Argentine Time)',
			'America/Fortaleza' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Fortaleza (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Godthab' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Godthab (Western Greenland Time)',
			'America/Jujuy' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Jujuy (Argentine Time)',
			'America/Maceio' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Maceio (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Mendoza' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Mendoza (Argentine Time)',
			'America/Miquelon' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Miquelon (Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time)',
			'America/Montevideo' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Montevideo (Uruguay Time)',
			'America/Paramaribo' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Paramaribo (Suriname Time)',
			'America/Recife' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Recife (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Rosario' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Rosario (Argentine Time)',
			'America/Santarem' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Santarem (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Sao_Paulo' => '(GMT-3:00) America/Sao_Paulo (Brasilia Time)',
			'Antarctica/Rothera' => '(GMT-3:00) Antarctica/Rothera (Rothera Time)',
			'Brazil/East' => '(GMT-3:00) Brazil/East (Brasilia Time)',
			'America/Noronha' => '(GMT-2:00) America/Noronha (Fernando de Noronha Time)',
			'Atlantic/South_Georgia' => '(GMT-2:00) Atlantic/South_Georgia (South Georgia Standard Time)',
			'Brazil/DeNoronha' => '(GMT-2:00) Brazil/DeNoronha (Fernando de Noronha Time)',
			'America/Scoresbysund' => '(GMT-1:00) America/Scoresbysund (Eastern Greenland Time)',
			'Atlantic/Azores' => '(GMT-1:00) Atlantic/Azores (Azores Time)',
			'Atlantic/Cape_Verde' => '(GMT-1:00) Atlantic/Cape_Verde (Cape Verde Time)',
			'Africa/Abidjan' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Abidjan (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Accra' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Accra (Ghana Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Bamako' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Bamako (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Banjul' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Banjul (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Bissau' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Bissau (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Casablanca' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Casablanca (Western European Time)',
			'Africa/Conakry' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Conakry (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Dakar' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Dakar (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/El_Aaiun' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/El_Aaiun (Western European Time)',
			'Africa/Freetown' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Freetown (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Lome' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Lome (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Monrovia' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Monrovia (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Nouakchott' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Nouakchott (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Ouagadougou' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Ouagadougou (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Sao_Tome' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Sao_Tome (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Timbuktu' => '(GMT+0:00) Africa/Timbuktu (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'America/Danmarkshavn' => '(GMT+0:00) America/Danmarkshavn (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Atlantic/Canary' => '(GMT+0:00) Atlantic/Canary (Western European Time)',
			'Atlantic/Faeroe' => '(GMT+0:00) Atlantic/Faeroe (Western European Time)',
			'Atlantic/Faroe' => '(GMT+0:00) Atlantic/Faroe (Western European Time)',
			'Atlantic/Madeira' => '(GMT+0:00) Atlantic/Madeira (Western European Time)',
			'Atlantic/Reykjavik' => '(GMT+0:00) Atlantic/Reykjavik (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Atlantic/St_Helena' => '(GMT+0:00) Atlantic/St_Helena (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Europe/Belfast' => '(GMT+0:00) Europe/Belfast (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Europe/Dublin' => '(GMT+0:00) Europe/Dublin (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Europe/Guernsey' => '(GMT+0:00) Europe/Guernsey (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Europe/Isle_of_Man' => '(GMT+0:00) Europe/Isle_of_Man (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Europe/Jersey' => '(GMT+0:00) Europe/Jersey (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Europe/Lisbon' => '(GMT+0:00) Europe/Lisbon (Western European Time)',
			'Europe/London' => '(GMT+0:00) Europe/London (Greenwich Mean Time)',
			'Africa/Algiers' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Algiers (Central European Time)',
			'Africa/Bangui' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Bangui (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Brazzaville' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Brazzaville (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Ceuta' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Ceuta (Central European Time)',
			'Africa/Douala' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Douala (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Kinshasa' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Kinshasa (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Lagos' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Lagos (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Libreville' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Libreville (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Luanda' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Luanda (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Malabo' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Malabo (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Ndjamena' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Ndjamena (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Niamey' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Niamey (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Porto-Novo' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Porto-Novo (Western African Time)',
			'Africa/Tunis' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Tunis (Central European Time)',
			'Africa/Windhoek' => '(GMT+1:00) Africa/Windhoek (Western African Time)',
			'Arctic/Longyearbyen' => '(GMT+1:00) Arctic/Longyearbyen (Central European Time)',
			'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen' => '(GMT+1:00) Atlantic/Jan_Mayen (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Amsterdam' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Amsterdam (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Andorra' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Andorra (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Belgrade' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Belgrade (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Berlin' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Berlin (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Bratislava' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Bratislava (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Brussels' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Brussels (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Budapest' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Budapest (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Copenhagen' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Copenhagen (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Gibraltar' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Gibraltar (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Ljubljana' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Ljubljana (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Luxembourg' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Luxembourg (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Madrid' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Madrid (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Malta' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Malta (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Monaco' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Monaco (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Oslo' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Oslo (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Paris' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Paris (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Podgorica' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Podgorica (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Prague' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Prague (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Rome' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Rome (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/San_Marino' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/San_Marino (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Sarajevo' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Sarajevo (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Skopje' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Skopje (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Stockholm' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Stockholm (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Tirane' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Tirane (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Vaduz' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Vaduz (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Vatican' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Vatican (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Vienna' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Vienna (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Warsaw' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Warsaw (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Zagreb' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Zagreb (Central European Time)',
			'Europe/Zurich' => '(GMT+1:00) Europe/Zurich (Central European Time)',
			'Africa/Blantyre' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Blantyre (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Bujumbura' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Bujumbura (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Cairo' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Cairo (Eastern European Time)',
			'Africa/Gaborone' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Gaborone (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Harare' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Harare (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Johannesburg' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Johannesburg (South Africa Standard Time)',
			'Africa/Kigali' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Kigali (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Lubumbashi' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Lubumbashi (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Lusaka' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Lusaka (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Maputo' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Maputo (Central African Time)',
			'Africa/Maseru' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Maseru (South Africa Standard Time)',
			'Africa/Mbabane' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Mbabane (South Africa Standard Time)',
			'Africa/Tripoli' => '(GMT+2:00) Africa/Tripoli (Eastern European Time)',
			'Asia/Amman' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Amman (Eastern European Time)',
			'Asia/Beirut' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Beirut (Eastern European Time)',
			'Asia/Damascus' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Damascus (Eastern European Time)',
			'Asia/Gaza' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Gaza (Eastern European Time)',
			'Asia/Istanbul' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Istanbul (Eastern European Time)',
			'Asia/Jerusalem' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Jerusalem (Israel Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Nicosia' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Nicosia (Eastern European Time)',
			'Asia/Tel_Aviv' => '(GMT+2:00) Asia/Tel_Aviv (Israel Standard Time)',
			'Europe/Athens' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Athens (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Bucharest' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Bucharest (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Chisinau' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Chisinau (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Helsinki' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Helsinki (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Istanbul' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Istanbul (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Kaliningrad' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Kaliningrad (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Kiev' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Kiev (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Mariehamn' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Mariehamn (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Minsk' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Minsk (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Nicosia' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Nicosia (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Riga' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Riga (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Simferopol' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Simferopol (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Sofia' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Sofia (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Tallinn' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Tallinn (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Tiraspol' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Tiraspol (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Uzhgorod' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Uzhgorod (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Vilnius' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Vilnius (Eastern European Time)',
			'Europe/Zaporozhye' => '(GMT+2:00) Europe/Zaporozhye (Eastern European Time)',
			'Africa/Addis_Ababa' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Addis_Ababa (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Asmara' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Asmara (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Asmera' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Asmera (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Dar_es_Salaam (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Djibouti' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Djibouti (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Kampala' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Kampala (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Khartoum' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Khartoum (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Mogadishu' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Mogadishu (Eastern African Time)',
			'Africa/Nairobi' => '(GMT+3:00) Africa/Nairobi (Eastern African Time)',
			'Antarctica/Syowa' => '(GMT+3:00) Antarctica/Syowa (Syowa Time)',
			'Asia/Aden' => '(GMT+3:00) Asia/Aden (Arabia Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Baghdad' => '(GMT+3:00) Asia/Baghdad (Arabia Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Bahrain' => '(GMT+3:00) Asia/Bahrain (Arabia Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Kuwait' => '(GMT+3:00) Asia/Kuwait (Arabia Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Qatar' => '(GMT+3:00) Asia/Qatar (Arabia Standard Time)',
			'Europe/Moscow' => '(GMT+3:00) Europe/Moscow (Moscow Standard Time)',
			'Europe/Volgograd' => '(GMT+3:00) Europe/Volgograd (Volgograd Time)',
			'Indian/Antananarivo' => '(GMT+3:00) Indian/Antananarivo (Eastern African Time)',
			'Indian/Comoro' => '(GMT+3:00) Indian/Comoro (Eastern African Time)',
			'Indian/Mayotte' => '(GMT+3:00) Indian/Mayotte (Eastern African Time)',
			'Asia/Tehran' => '(GMT+3:30) Asia/Tehran (Iran Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Baku' => '(GMT+4:00) Asia/Baku (Azerbaijan Time)',
			'Asia/Dubai' => '(GMT+4:00) Asia/Dubai (Gulf Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Muscat' => '(GMT+4:00) Asia/Muscat (Gulf Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Tbilisi' => '(GMT+4:00) Asia/Tbilisi (Georgia Time)',
			'Asia/Yerevan' => '(GMT+4:00) Asia/Yerevan (Armenia Time)',
			'Europe/Samara' => '(GMT+4:00) Europe/Samara (Samara Time)',
			'Indian/Mahe' => '(GMT+4:00) Indian/Mahe (Seychelles Time)',
			'Indian/Mauritius' => '(GMT+4:00) Indian/Mauritius (Mauritius Time)',
			'Indian/Reunion' => '(GMT+4:00) Indian/Reunion (Reunion Time)',
			'Asia/Kabul' => '(GMT+4:30) Asia/Kabul (Afghanistan Time)',
			'Asia/Aqtau' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Aqtau (Aqtau Time)',
			'Asia/Aqtobe' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Aqtobe (Aqtobe Time)',
			'Asia/Ashgabat' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Ashgabat (Turkmenistan Time)',
			'Asia/Ashkhabad' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Ashkhabad (Turkmenistan Time)',
			'Asia/Dushanbe' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Dushanbe (Tajikistan Time)',
			'Asia/Karachi' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Karachi (Pakistan Time)',
			'Asia/Oral' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Oral (Oral Time)',
			'Asia/Samarkand' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Samarkand (Uzbekistan Time)',
			'Asia/Tashkent' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Tashkent (Uzbekistan Time)',
			'Asia/Yekaterinburg' => '(GMT+5:00) Asia/Yekaterinburg (Yekaterinburg Time)',
			'Indian/Kerguelen' => '(GMT+5:00) Indian/Kerguelen (French Southern & Antarctic Lands Time)',
			'Indian/Maldives' => '(GMT+5:00) Indian/Maldives (Maldives Time)',
			'Asia/Calcutta' => '(GMT+5:30) Asia/Calcutta (India Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Colombo' => '(GMT+5:30) Asia/Colombo (India Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Kolkata' => '(GMT+5:30) Asia/Kolkata (India Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Katmandu' => '(GMT+5:45) Asia/Katmandu (Nepal Time)',
			'Antarctica/Mawson' => '(GMT+6:00) Antarctica/Mawson (Mawson Time)',
			'Antarctica/Vostok' => '(GMT+6:00) Antarctica/Vostok (Vostok Time)',
			'Asia/Almaty' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Almaty (Alma-Ata Time)',
			'Asia/Bishkek' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Bishkek (Kirgizstan Time)',
			'Asia/Dacca' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Dacca (Bangladesh Time)',
			'Asia/Dhaka' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Dhaka (Bangladesh Time)',
			'Asia/Novosibirsk' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk Time)',
			'Asia/Omsk' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Omsk (Omsk Time)',
			'Asia/Qyzylorda' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Qyzylorda (Qyzylorda Time)',
			'Asia/Thimbu' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Thimbu (Bhutan Time)',
			'Asia/Thimphu' => '(GMT+6:00) Asia/Thimphu (Bhutan Time)',
			'Indian/Chagos' => '(GMT+6:00) Indian/Chagos (Indian Ocean Territory Time)',
			'Asia/Rangoon' => '(GMT+6:30) Asia/Rangoon (Myanmar Time)',
			'Indian/Cocos' => '(GMT+6:30) Indian/Cocos (Cocos Islands Time)',
			'Antarctica/Davis' => '(GMT+7:00) Antarctica/Davis (Davis Time)',
			'Asia/Bangkok' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Bangkok (Indochina Time)',
			'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh (Indochina Time)',
			'Asia/Hovd' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Hovd (Hovd Time)',
			'Asia/Jakarta' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Jakarta (West Indonesia Time)',
			'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk Time)',
			'Asia/Phnom_Penh' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Phnom_Penh (Indochina Time)',
			'Asia/Pontianak' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Pontianak (West Indonesia Time)',
			'Asia/Saigon' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Saigon (Indochina Time)',
			'Asia/Vientiane' => '(GMT+7:00) Asia/Vientiane (Indochina Time)',
			'Indian/Christmas' => '(GMT+7:00) Indian/Christmas (Christmas Island Time)',
			'Antarctica/Casey' => '(GMT+8:00) Antarctica/Casey (Western Standard Time (Australia))',
			'Asia/Brunei' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Brunei (Brunei Time)',
			'Asia/Choibalsan' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Choibalsan (Choibalsan Time)',
			'Asia/Chongqing' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Chongqing (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Chungking' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Chungking (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Harbin' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Harbin (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Hong_Kong' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Hong_Kong (Hong Kong Time)',
			'Asia/Irkutsk' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Irkutsk (Irkutsk Time)',
			'Asia/Kashgar' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Kashgar (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Kuala_Lumpur (Malaysia Time)',
			'Asia/Kuching' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Kuching (Malaysia Time)',
			'Asia/Macao' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Macao (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Macau' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Macau (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Makassar' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Makassar (Central Indonesia Time)',
			'Asia/Manila' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Manila (Philippines Time)',
			'Asia/Shanghai' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Shanghai (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Singapore' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Singapore (Singapore Time)',
			'Asia/Taipei' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Taipei (China Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Ujung_Pandang' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Ujung_Pandang (Central Indonesia Time)',
			'Asia/Ulaanbaatar' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Ulaanbaatar (Ulaanbaatar Time)',
			'Asia/Ulan_Bator' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Ulan_Bator (Ulaanbaatar Time)',
			'Asia/Urumqi' => '(GMT+8:00) Asia/Urumqi (China Standard Time)',
			'Australia/Perth' => '(GMT+8:00) Australia/Perth (Western Standard Time (Australia))',
			'Australia/West' => '(GMT+8:00) Australia/West (Western Standard Time (Australia))',
			'Australia/Eucla' => '(GMT+8:45) Australia/Eucla (Central Western Standard Time (Australia))',
			'Asia/Dili' => '(GMT+9:00) Asia/Dili (Timor-Leste Time)',
			'Asia/Jayapura' => '(GMT+9:00) Asia/Jayapura (East Indonesia Time)',
			'Asia/Pyongyang' => '(GMT+9:00) Asia/Pyongyang (Korea Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Seoul' => '(GMT+9:00) Asia/Seoul (Korea Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Tokyo' => '(GMT+9:00) Asia/Tokyo (Japan Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Yakutsk' => '(GMT+9:00) Asia/Yakutsk (Yakutsk Time)',
			'Australia/Adelaide' => '(GMT+9:30) Australia/Adelaide (Central Standard Time (South Australia))',
			'Australia/Broken_Hill' => '(GMT+9:30) Australia/Broken_Hill (Central Standard Time (South Australia/New South Wales))',
			'Australia/Darwin' => '(GMT+9:30) Australia/Darwin (Central Standard Time (Northern Territory))',
			'Australia/North' => '(GMT+9:30) Australia/North (Central Standard Time (Northern Territory))',
			'Australia/South' => '(GMT+9:30) Australia/South (Central Standard Time (South Australia))',
			'Australia/Yancowinna' => '(GMT+9:30) Australia/Yancowinna (Central Standard Time (South Australia/New South Wales))',
			'Antarctica/DumontDUrville' => '(GMT+10:00) Antarctica/DumontDUrville (Dumont-d\'Urville Time)',
			'Asia/Sakhalin' => '(GMT+10:00) Asia/Sakhalin (Sakhalin Time)',
			'Asia/Vladivostok' => '(GMT+10:00) Asia/Vladivostok (Vladivostok Time)',
			'Australia/ACT' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/ACT (Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales))',
			'Australia/Brisbane' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Brisbane (Eastern Standard Time (Queensland))',
			'Australia/Canberra' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Canberra (Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales))',
			'Australia/Currie' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Currie (Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales))',
			'Australia/Hobart' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Hobart (Eastern Standard Time (Tasmania))',
			'Australia/Lindeman' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Lindeman (Eastern Standard Time (Queensland))',
			'Australia/Melbourne' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Melbourne (Eastern Standard Time (Victoria))',
			'Australia/NSW' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/NSW (Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales))',
			'Australia/Queensland' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Queensland (Eastern Standard Time (Queensland))',
			'Australia/Sydney' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Sydney (Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales))',
			'Australia/Tasmania' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Tasmania (Eastern Standard Time (Tasmania))',
			'Australia/Victoria' => '(GMT+10:00) Australia/Victoria (Eastern Standard Time (Victoria))',
			'Australia/LHI' => '(GMT+10:30) Australia/LHI (Lord Howe Standard Time)',
			'Australia/Lord_Howe' => '(GMT+10:30) Australia/Lord_Howe (Lord Howe Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Magadan' => '(GMT+11:00) Asia/Magadan (Magadan Time)',
			'Antarctica/McMurdo' => '(GMT+12:00) Antarctica/McMurdo (New Zealand Standard Time)',
			'Antarctica/South_Pole' => '(GMT+12:00) Antarctica/South_Pole (New Zealand Standard Time)',
			'Asia/Anadyr' => '(GMT+12:00) Asia/Anadyr (Anadyr Time)',
			'Asia/Kamchatka' => '(GMT+12:00) Asia/Kamchatka (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Time)'

		$html = '<option value="">Select Timezone</option>';
		foreach($timezones as $keys => $values)
			$html .= '<option value="'.$keys.'">'.$values.'</option>';
		return $html;

function fill_author($connect)
	$query = "
	SELECT author_name FROM lms_author 
	WHERE author_status = 'Enable' 
	ORDER BY author_name ASC

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	$output = '<option value="">Select Author</option>';

	foreach($result as $row)
		$output .= '<option value="'.$row["author_name"].'">'.$row["author_name"].'</option>';

	return $output;

function fill_category($connect)
	$query = "
	SELECT category_name FROM lms_category 
	WHERE category_status = 'Enable' 
	ORDER BY category_name ASC

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	$output = '<option value="">Select Category</option>';

	foreach($result as $row)
		$output .= '<option value="'.$row["category_name"].'">'.$row["category_name"].'</option>';

	return $output;

function fill_location_rack($connect)
	$query = "
	SELECT location_rack_name FROM lms_location_rack 
	WHERE location_rack_status = 'Enable' 
	ORDER BY location_rack_name ASC

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	$output = '<option value="">Select Location Rack</option>';

	foreach($result as $row)
		$output .= '<option value="'.$row["location_rack_name"].'">'.$row["location_rack_name"].'</option>';

	return $output;

function Count_total_issue_book_number($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "SELECT COUNT(issue_book_id) AS Total FROM lms_issue_book";

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];

	return $total;

function Count_total_returned_book_number($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT COUNT(issue_book_id) AS Total FROM lms_issue_book 
	WHERE book_issue_status = 'Return'

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];

	return $total;

function Count_total_not_returned_book_number($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT COUNT(issue_book_id) AS Total FROM lms_issue_book 
	WHERE book_issue_status = 'Not Return'

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];

	return $total;

function Count_total_fines_received($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT SUM(book_fines) AS Total FROM lms_issue_book 
	WHERE book_issue_status = 'Return'

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];

	return $total;

function Count_total_book_number($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT COUNT(book_id) AS Total FROM lms_book 
	WHERE book_status = 'Enable'

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];

	return $total;

function Count_total_author_number($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT COUNT(author_id) AS Total FROM lms_author 
	WHERE author_status = 'Enable'

	$result  = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];

	return $total;

function Count_total_category_number($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT COUNT(category_id) AS Total FROM lms_category 
	WHERE category_status = 'Enable'

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];
	return $total;

function Count_total_location_rack_number($connect)
	$total = 0;

	$query = "
	SELECT COUNT(location_rack_id) AS Total FROM lms_location_rack 
	WHERE location_rack_status = 'Enable'

	$result = $connect->query($query);

	foreach($result as $row)
		$total = $row["Total"];

	return $total;



In Library Management System, Admin can Login from this page. Under this file, we have use PHP script from validate Admin login details and once login details is correct then it will redirect web page to Admin area. So here for validate Admin Login, we have store admin_id value under $_SESSION variable, which we can access from any web page for check admin has login or not under this system.



include 'database_connection.php';

include 'function.php';

$message = '';


	$formdata = array();

		$message .= '<li>Email Address is required</li>';
		if(!filter_var($_POST["admin_email"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
			$message .= '<li>Invalid Email Address</li>';
			$formdata['admin_email'] = $_POST['admin_email'];

		$message .= '<li>Password is required</li>';
		$formdata['admin_password'] = $_POST['admin_password'];

	if($message == '')
		$data = array(
			':admin_email'		=>	$formdata['admin_email']

		$query = "
		SELECT * FROM lms_admin 
        WHERE admin_email = :admin_email

		$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


		if($statement->rowCount() > 0)
			foreach($statement->fetchAll() as $row)
				if($row['admin_password'] == $formdata['admin_password'])
					$_SESSION['admin_id'] = $row['admin_id'];

					$message = '<li>Wrong Password</li>';
			$message = '<li>Wrong Email Address</li>';


include 'header.php';


<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" style="min-height:700px;">

	<div class="col-md-6">

		if($message != '')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-danger"><ul>'.$message.'</ul></div>';

		<div class="card">

			<div class="card-header">Admin Login</div>

			<div class="card-body">

				<form method="POST">

					<div class="mb-3">
						<label class="form-label">Email address</label>

						<input type="text" name="admin_email" id="admin_email" class="form-control" />


					<div class="mb-3">
						<label class="form-label">Password</label>

						<input type="password" name="admin_password" id="admin_password" class="form-control" />


					<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between mt-4 mb-0">

						<input type="submit" name="login_button" class="btn btn-primary" value="Login" />








include 'footer.php';



This is main index page of Admin, and here we have check admin has been login or not. If Admin is not login then it will be directly redirect to admin_login.php file. But if Admin has login under this system, then Admin can access any web page of this Library Management system.



include '../database_connection.php';

include '../function.php';


include '../header.php';


<div class="container-fluid py-4">
	<h1 class="mb-5">Dashboard</h1>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-primary text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo Count_total_issue_book_number($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Book Issue</h5>
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-warning text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo Count_total_returned_book_number($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Book Returned</h5>
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-danger text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo Count_total_not_returned_book_number($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Book Not Return</h5>
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-success text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo get_currency_symbol($connect) . Count_total_fines_received($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Fines Received</h5>
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-success text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo Count_total_book_number($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Book</h5>
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-danger text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo Count_total_author_number($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Author</h5>
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-warning text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo Count_total_category_number($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Category</h5>
		<div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6">
			<div class="card bg-primary text-white mb-4">
				<div class="card-body">
					<h1 class="text-center"><?php echo Count_total_location_rack_number($connect); ?></h1>
					<h5 class="text-center">Total Location Rack</h5>


include '../footer.php';



If Admin has click on logout link, then this page code has been execute, and under this page, it has delete all $_SESSION variable value by using session_destroy() function and after this it will redirect to admin_login.php file.








Under this "admin/profile.php" file, admin can change his or her login details like email address or password details. This web page only access by admin only and when admin has click on profile link then this "admin/profile.php" web page has been load in browser and admin can change their login details.



include '../database_connection.php';

include '../function.php';


$message = '';

$error = '';


	$formdata = array();

		$error .= '<li>Email Address is required</li>';
		if(!filter_var($_POST["admin_email"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
			$error .= '<li>Invalid Email Address</li>';
			$formdata['admin_email'] = $_POST['admin_email'];

		$error .= '<li>Password is required</li>';
		$formdata['admin_password'] = $_POST['admin_password'];

	if($error == '')
		$admin_id = $_SESSION['admin_id'];

		$data = array(
			':admin_email'		=>	$formdata['admin_email'],
			':admin_password'	=>	$formdata['admin_password'],
			':admin_id'			=>	$admin_id

		$query = "
		UPDATE lms_admin 
            SET admin_email = :admin_email,
            admin_password = :admin_password 
            WHERE admin_id = :admin_id

		$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


		$message = 'User Data Edited';

$query = "
	SELECT * FROM lms_admin 
    WHERE admin_id = '".$_SESSION["admin_id"]."'

$result = $connect->query($query);

include '../header.php';


<div class="container-fluid px-4">
	<h1 class="mt-4">Profile</h1>
	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
		<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Profile</a></li>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-6">

			if($error != '')
				echo '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert"><ul class="list-unstyled">'.$error.'</ul> <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';

			if($message != '')
				echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">'.$message.' <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';

			<div class="card mb-4">
				<div class="card-header">
					<i class="fas fa-user-edit"></i> Edit Profile Details
				<div class="card-body">


				foreach($result as $row)

					<form method="post">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Email Address</label>
							<input type="text" name="admin_email" id="admin_email" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['admin_email']; ?>" />
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Password</label>
							<input type="password" name="admin_password" id="admin_password" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['admin_password']; ?>" />
						<div class="mt-4 mb-0">
							<input type="submit" name="edit_admin" class="btn btn-primary" value="Edit" />






include '../footer.php';


This setting page Admin can access from admin area and this page will be only access by Admin. The main functionality of this Setting page is that Admin can set library basic details like name, address, contact number and email address, and library function details like how many books must be issued to single user, in how many day user has to return book, what is the fine for one day for late return book, and how many books at a time single user can issue. So this all detail admin can set by this setting page and this feature has convert static library system to dynamic library management system.



include '../database_connection.php';

include '../function.php';


$message = '';

	$data = array(
		':library_name'					=>	$_POST['library_name'],
		':library_address'				=>	$_POST['library_address'],
		':library_contact_number'		=>	$_POST['library_contact_number'],
		':library_email_address'		=>	$_POST['library_email_address'],
		':library_total_book_issue_day'	=>	$_POST['library_total_book_issue_day'],
		':library_one_day_fine'			=>	$_POST['library_one_day_fine'],
		':library_currency'				=>	$_POST['library_currency'],
		':library_timezone'				=>	$_POST['library_timezone'],
		':library_issue_total_book_per_user'	=>	$_POST['library_issue_total_book_per_user']

	$query = "
	UPDATE lms_setting 
        SET library_name = :library_name,
        library_address = :library_address, 
        library_contact_number = :library_contact_number, 
        library_email_address = :library_email_address, 
        library_total_book_issue_day = :library_total_book_issue_day, 
        library_one_day_fine = :library_one_day_fine, 
        library_currency = :library_currency, 
        library_timezone = :library_timezone, 
        library_issue_total_book_per_user = :library_issue_total_book_per_user

	$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


	$message = '
	<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">Data Edited <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>

$query = "
SELECT * FROM lms_setting 

$result = $connect->query($query);

include '../header.php';


<div class="container-fluid px-4">
	<h1 class="mt-4">Setting</h1>

	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
		<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Setting</a></li>

	if($message != '')	
		echo $message;

	<div class="card mb-4">
		<div class="card-header">
			<i class="fas fa-user-edit"></i> Library Setting
		<div class="card-body">

			<form method="post">
				foreach($result as $row)
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-12">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Library Name</label>
							<input type="text" name="library_name" id="library_name" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['library_name']; ?>" />
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-12">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Address</label>
							<textarea name="library_address" id="library_address" class="form-control"><?php echo $row["library_address"]; ?></textarea>
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Contact Number</label>
							<input type="text" name="library_contact_number" id="library_contact_number" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['library_contact_number']; ?>" />
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Email Address</label>
							<input type="text" name="library_email_address" id="library_email_address" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['library_email_address']; ?>" />
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Book Return Day Limit</label>
							<input type="number" name="library_total_book_issue_day" id="library_total_book_issue_day" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['library_total_book_issue_day']; ?>" />
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Book Late Return One Day Fine</label>
							<input type="number" name="library_one_day_fine" id="library_one_day_fine" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['library_one_day_fine']; ?>" />
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Currency</label>
							<select name="library_currency" id="library_currency" class="form-control">
								<?php echo Currency_list(); ?>
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<div class="mb-3">
							<label class="form-label">Timezone</label>
							<select name="library_timezone" id="library_timezone" class="form-control">
								<?php echo Timezone_list(); ?>
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-6">
						<label class="form-label">Per User Book Issue Limit</label>
						<input type="number" name="library_issue_total_book_per_user" id="library_issue_total_book_per_user" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $row['library_issue_total_book_per_user']; ?>" />
				<div class="mt-4 mb-0">
					<input type="submit" name="edit_setting" class="btn btn-primary" value="Save" />
				<script type="text/javascript">

				document.getElementById('library_currency').value = "<?php echo $row['library_currency']; ?>";

				document.getElementById('library_timezone').value="<?php echo $row['library_timezone']; ?>"; 




include '../footer.php';



Admin can manage Library Book Author from this admin/author.php file. Under this module Admin can insert, edit and delete Author data by using PHP script with MySQL database. For display author data on web page, here we have use Vanilla JavaScript Simple-DataTables library, which purely based on JavaScript and not depend any third party library. By using this JavaScript DataTables, we can perform searching, filtering, sorting of data and pagination which we can perform in jQuery DataTable.



include '../database_connection.php';

include '../function.php';


$message = '';

$error = '';

	$formdata = array();

		$error .= '<li>Author Name is required</li>';
		$formdata['author_name'] = trim($_POST["author_name"]);

	if($error == '')
		$query = "
		SELECT * FROM lms_author 
        WHERE author_name = '".$formdata['author_name']."'

		$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


		if($statement->rowCount() > 0)
			$error = '<li>Author Name Already Exists</li>';
			$data = array(
				':author_name'			=>	$formdata['author_name'],
				':author_status'		=>	'Enable',
				':author_created_on'	=>	get_date_time($connect)

			$query = "
			INSERT INTO lms_author 
            (author_name, author_status, author_created_on) 
            VALUES (:author_name, :author_status, :author_created_on)

			$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



	$formdata = array();

		$error .= '<li>Author Name is required</li>';
		$formdata['author_name'] = trim($_POST['author_name']);

	if($error == '')
		$author_id = convert_data($_POST['author_id'], 'decrypt');

		$query = "
		SELECT * FROM lms_author 
        WHERE author_name = '".$formdata['author_name']."' 
        AND author_id != '".$author_id."'

		$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


		if($statement->rowCount() > 0)
			$error = '<li>Author Name Already Exists</li>';
			$data = array(
				':author_name'		=>	$formdata['author_name'],
				':author_updated_on'=>	get_date_time($connect),
				':author_id'		=>	$author_id

			$query = "
			UPDATE lms_author 
            SET author_name = :author_name, 
            author_updated_on = :author_updated_on  
            WHERE author_id = :author_id

			$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



if(isset($_GET["action"], $_GET["code"], $_GET["status"]) && $_GET["action"] == 'delete')
	$author_id = $_GET["code"];

	$status = $_GET["status"];

	$data = array(
		':author_status'			=>	$status,
		':author_updated_on'		=>	get_date_time($connect),
		':author_id'				=>	$author_id

	$query = "
	 UPDATE lms_author 
    SET author_status = :author_status, 
    author_updated_on = :author_updated_on 
    WHERE author_id = :author_id

	$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



$query = "
	SELECT * FROM lms_author 
    ORDER BY author_name ASC

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


include '../header.php';


<div class="container-fluid py-4" style="min-height: 700px;">
	<h1>Author Management</h1>

		if($_GET["action"] == "add")

	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="author.php">Author Management</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item active">Add Author</li>

    <div class="row">
    	<div class="col-md-6">

    		if($error != '')
    			echo '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert"><ul class="list-unstyled">'.$error.'</ul> <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';

    		<div class="card mb-4">
    			<div class="card-header">
    				<i class="fas fa-user-plus"></i> Add New Author
                <div class="card-body">
                	<form method="post">
                		<div class="mb-3">
                			<label class="form-label">Author Name</label>
                			<input type="text" name="author_name" id="author_name" class="form-control" />
                		<div class="mt-4 mb-0">
                			<input type="submit" name="add_author" class="btn btn-success" value="Add" />

		else if($_GET["action"] == 'edit')
			$author_id = convert_data($_GET["code"], 'decrypt');

			if($author_id > 0)
				$query = "
				SELECT * FROM lms_author 
                WHERE author_id = '$author_id'

				$author_result = $connect->query($query);

				foreach($author_result as $author_row)

	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="author.php">Author Management</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item active">Edit Author</li>

    <div class="row">
    	<div class="col-md-6">
    		<div class="card mb-4">
    			<div class="card-header">
    				<i class="fas fa-user-edit"></i> Edit Author Details
    			<div class="card-body">
    				<form method="post">
    					<div class="mb-3">
    						<label class="form-label">Author Name</label>
    						<input type="text" name="author_name" id="author_name" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $author_row['author_name']; ?>" />
    					<div class="mt-4 mb-0">
    						<input type="hidden" name="author_id" value="<?php echo $_GET['code']; ?>" />
    						<input type="submit" name="edit_author" class="btn btn-primary" value="Edit" />


	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
		<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Author Management</li>

		if($_GET["msg"] == 'add')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">New Author Added<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';
		if($_GET['msg'] == 'edit')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">Author Data Edited <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';
		if($_GET["msg"] == 'disable')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">Author Status Change to Disable <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';

		if($_GET["msg"] == 'enable')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">Author Status Change to Enable <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';

	<div class="card mb-4">
		<div class="card-header">
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col col-md-6">
					<i class="fas fa-table me-1"></i> Author Management
				<div class="col col-md-6" align="right">
					<a href="author.php?action=add" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">Add</a>
		<div class="card-body">
			<table id="datatablesSimple">
						<th>Author Name</th>
						<th>Created On</th>
						<th>Updated On</th>
						<th>Author Name</th>
						<th>Created On</th>
						<th>Updated On</th>
				if($statement->rowCount() > 0)
					foreach($statement->fetchAll() as $row)
						$author_status = '';
						if($row['author_status'] == 'Enable')
							$author_status = '<div class="badge bg-success">Enable</div>';
							$author_status = '<div class="badge bg-danger">Disable</div>';
						echo '
								<a href="author.php?action=edit&code='.convert_data($row["author_id"]).'" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">Edit</a>
								<button type="button" name="delete_button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" onclick="delete_data(`'.$row["author_id"].'`, `'.$row["author_status"].'`)">Delete</button>
					echo '
						<td colspan="4" class="text-center">No Data Found</td>


		function delete_data(code, status)
			var new_status = 'Enable';

			if(status == 'Enable')
				new_status = 'Disable';

			if(confirm("Are you sure you want to "+new_status+" this Author?"))
				window.location.href = "author.php?action=delete&code="+code+"&status="+new_status+"";






include '../footer.php';



Book Management Module is very important module under this Library Management System which admin can access from admin/book.php file. Under this module Admin can Add new Book Data, Update Existing Book data and Soft Delete Book Data. Admin can View all book data on web page under JavaScript DataTables. So Admin can easily Search Book Data, Admin can sort Book data and this Simple DataTables library will automatically make pagination link. Under this Module Admin can get the data like which Book Number of Copy available under library which book not available in Library. So this data also can view Admin from this Book Management Module. So for this reason this module is very important under this Library Management System.



include '../database_connection.php';

include '../function.php';


$message = '';

$error = '';

	$formdata = array();

		$error .= '<li>Book Name is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_name'] = trim($_POST["book_name"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book Category is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_category'] = trim($_POST["book_category"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book Author is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_author'] = trim($_POST["book_author"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book Location Rack is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_location_rack'] = trim($_POST["book_location_rack"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book ISBN Number is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_isbn_number'] = trim($_POST["book_isbn_number"]);
		$error .= '<li>Book No. of Copy is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_no_of_copy'] = trim($_POST["book_no_of_copy"]);

	if($error == '')
		$data = array(
			':book_category'		=>	$formdata['book_category'],
			':book_author'			=>	$formdata['book_author'],
			':book_location_rack'	=>	$formdata['book_location_rack'],
			':book_name'			=>	$formdata['book_name'],
			':book_isbn_number'		=>	$formdata['book_isbn_number'],
			':book_no_of_copy'		=>	$formdata['book_no_of_copy'],
			':book_status'			=>	'Enable',
			':book_added_on'		=>	get_date_time($connect)

		$query = "
		INSERT INTO lms_book 
        (book_category, book_author, book_location_rack, book_name, book_isbn_number, book_no_of_copy, book_status, book_added_on) 
        VALUES (:book_category, :book_author, :book_location_rack, :book_name, :book_isbn_number, :book_no_of_copy, :book_status, :book_added_on)

		$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



	$formdata = array();

		$error .= '<li>Book Name is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_name'] = trim($_POST["book_name"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book Category is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_category'] = trim($_POST["book_category"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book Author is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_author'] = trim($_POST["book_author"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book Location Rack is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_location_rack'] = trim($_POST["book_location_rack"]);

		$error .= '<li>Book ISBN Number is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_isbn_number'] = trim($_POST["book_isbn_number"]);
		$error .= '<li>Book No. of Copy is required</li>';
		$formdata['book_no_of_copy'] = trim($_POST["book_no_of_copy"]);

	if($error == '')
		$data = array(
			':book_category'		=>	$formdata['book_category'],
			':book_author'			=>	$formdata['book_author'],
			':book_location_rack'	=>	$formdata['book_location_rack'],
			':book_name'			=>	$formdata['book_name'],
			':book_isbn_number'		=>	$formdata['book_isbn_number'],
			':book_no_of_copy'		=>	$formdata['book_no_of_copy'],
			':book_updated_on'		=>	get_date_time($connect),
			':book_id'				=>	$_POST["book_id"]
		$query = "
		UPDATE lms_book 
        SET book_category = :book_category, 
        book_author = :book_author, 
        book_location_rack = :book_location_rack, 
        book_name = :book_name, 
        book_isbn_number = :book_isbn_number, 
        book_no_of_copy = :book_no_of_copy, 
        book_updated_on = :book_updated_on 
        WHERE book_id = :book_id

		$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



if(isset($_GET["action"], $_GET["code"], $_GET["status"]) && $_GET["action"] == 'delete')
	$book_id = $_GET["code"];
	$status = $_GET["status"];

	$data = array(
		':book_status'		=>	$status,
		':book_updated_on'	=>	get_date_time($connect),
		':book_id'			=>	$book_id

	$query = "
	UPDATE lms_book 
    SET book_status = :book_status, 
    book_updated_on = :book_updated_on 
    WHERE book_id = :book_id

	$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



$query = "
	SELECT * FROM lms_book 
    ORDER BY book_id DESC

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


include '../header.php';


<div class="container-fluid py-4" style="min-height: 700px;">
	<h1>Book Management</h1>
		if($_GET["action"] == 'add')

	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="book.php">Book Management</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item active">Add Book</li>


    if($error != '')
    	echo '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert"><ul class="list-unstyled">'.$error.'</ul> <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';


    <div class="card mb-4">
    	<div class="card-header">
    		<i class="fas fa-user-plus"></i> Add New Book
        <div class="card-body">
        	<form method="post">
        		<div class="row">
        			<div class="col-md-6">
        				<div class="mb-3">
        					<label class="form-label">Book Name</label>
        					<input type="text" name="book_name" id="book_name" class="form-control" />
        			<div class="col-md-6">
        				<div class="mb-3">
        					<label class="form-label">Select Author</label>
        					<select name="book_author" id="book_author" class="form-control">
        						<?php echo fill_author($connect); ?>
        		<div class="row">
        			<div class="col-md-6">
        				<div class="mb-3">
        					<label class="form-label">Select Category</label>
        					<select name="book_category" id="book_category" class="form-control">
        						<?php echo fill_category($connect); ?>
        			<div class="col-md-6">
        				<div class="mb-3">
        					<label class="form-label">Select Location Rack</label>
        					<select name="book_location_rack" id="book_location_rack" class="form-control">
        						<?php echo fill_location_rack($connect); ?>
        		<div class="row">
        			<div class="col-md-6">
        				<div class="mb-3">
        					<label class="form-label">Book ISBN Number</label>
        					<input type="text" name="book_isbn_number" id="book_isbn_number" class="form-control" />
        			<div class="col-md-6">
        				<div class="mb-3">
        					<label class="form-label">No. of Copy</label>
        					<input type="number" name="book_no_of_copy" id="book_no_of_copy" step="1" class="form-control" />
        		<div class="mt-4 mb-3 text-center">
        			<input type="submit" name="add_book" class="btn btn-success" value="Add" />

		else if($_GET["action"] == 'edit')
			$book_id = convert_data($_GET["code"], 'decrypt');

			if($book_id > 0)
				$query = "
				SELECT * FROM lms_book 
                WHERE book_id = '$book_id'

				$book_result = $connect->query($query);

				foreach($book_result as $book_row)
	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="book.php">Book Management</a></li>
        <li class="breadcrumb-item active">Edit Book</li>
    <div class="card mb-4">
    	<div class="card-header">
    		<i class="fas fa-user-plus"></i> Edit Book Details
       	<div class="card-body">
       		<form method="post">
       			<div class="row">
       				<div class="col-md-6">
       					<div class="mb-3">
       						<label class="form-label">Book Name</label>
       						<input type="text" name="book_name" id="book_name" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $book_row['book_name']; ?>" />
       				<div class="col-md-6">
       					<div class="mb-3">
       						<label class="form-label">Select Author</label>
       						<select name="book_author" id="book_author" class="form-control">
       							<?php echo fill_author($connect); ?>
       			<div class="row">
       				<div class="col-md-6">
       					<div class="mb-3">
       						<label class="form-label">Select Category</label>
       						<select name="book_category" id="book_category" class="form-control">
       							<?php echo fill_category($connect); ?>
       				<div class="col-md-6">
       					<div class="mb-3">
       						<label class="form-label">Select Location Rack</label>
       						<select name="book_location_rack" id="book_location_rack" class="form-control">
       							<?php echo fill_location_rack($connect); ?>
       			<div class="row">
       				<div class="col-md-6">
       					<div class="mb-3">
       						<label class="form-label">Book ISBN Number</label>
       						<input type="text" name="book_isbn_number" id="book_isbn_number" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $book_row['book_isbn_number']; ?>" />
       				<div class="col-md-6">
       					<div class="mb-3">
       						<label class="form-label">No. of Copy</label>
       						<input type="number" name="book_no_of_copy" id="book_no_of_copy" class="form-control" step="1" value="<?php echo $book_row['book_no_of_copy']; ?>" />
       			<div class="mt-4 mb-3 text-center">
       				<input type="hidden" name="book_id" value="<?php echo $book_row['book_id']; ?>" />
       				<input type="submit" name="edit_book" class="btn btn-primary" value="Edit" />
       			document.getElementById('book_author').value = "<?php echo $book_row['book_author']; ?>";
       			document.getElementById('book_category').value = "<?php echo $book_row['book_category']; ?>";
       			document.getElementById('book_location_rack').value = "<?php echo $book_row['book_location_rack']; ?>";
	<ol class="breadcrumb mt-4 mb-4 bg-light p-2 border">
		<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="index.php">Dashboard</a></li>
		<li class="breadcrumb-item active">Book Management</li>

		if($_GET["msg"] == 'add')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">New Book Added<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';
		if($_GET['msg'] == 'edit')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">Book Data Edited <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';
		if($_GET["msg"] == 'disable')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">Book Status Change to Disable <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';
		if($_GET['msg'] == 'enable')
			echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">Book Status Change to Enable <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button></div>';

	<div class="card mb-4">
		<div class="card-header">
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col col-md-6">
					<i class="fas fa-table me-1"></i> Book Management
                <div class="col col-md-6" align="right">
                	<a href="book.php?action=add" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">Add</a>
        <div class="card-body">
        	<table id="datatablesSimple">
        				<th>Book Name</th>
        				<th>ISBN No.</th>
        				<th>Location Rack</th>
        				<th>No. of Copy</th>
        				<th>Created On</th>
        				<th>Updated On</th>
        				<th>Book Name</th>
        				<th>ISBN No.</th>
        				<th>Location Rack</th>
        				<th>No. of Copy</th>
        				<th>Created On</th>
        				<th>Updated On</th>

        		if($statement->rowCount() > 0)
        			foreach($statement->fetchAll() as $row)
        				$book_status = '';
        				if($row['book_status'] == 'Enable')
        					$book_status = '<div class="badge bg-success">Enable</div>';
        					$book_status = '<div class="badge bg-danger">Disable</div>';
        				echo '
        						<a href="book.php?action=edit&code='.convert_data($row["book_id"]).'" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">Edit</a>
        						<button type="button" name="delete_button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" onclick="delete_data(`'.$row["book_id"].'`, `'.$row["book_status"].'`)">Delete</button>
        			echo '
        				<td colspan="10" class="text-center">No Data Found</td>


    	function delete_data(code, status)
    		var new_status = 'Enable';
    		if(status == 'Enable')
    			new_status = 'Disable';

    		if(confirm("Are you sure you want to "+new_status+" this Category?"))
    			window.location.href = "book.php?action=delete&code="+code+"&status="+new_status+"";



include '../footer.php';



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